Entries by Salon Cartier

Why Your Hair Falls Out After Pregnancy

All new moms experience hair loss, though some lose more than others. Here’s why: During pregnancy,  your hormone levels change, causing your hair to stay in a resting phase for longer, so you shed less hair on a daily basis. (You may have noticed that your hair seemed thicker than usual.) After you’ve given birth […]

Walnut Creek Hair Salon Asks: Why Are Consultations Important?

At Salon Cartier, we are dedicated to starting each and every appointment with a thorough consultation. New and returning clients alike can count on us checking in on their hair needs and wants at the beginning of each visit. Why are we so passionate about the consultation and why is it important to you? The […]

Proper Maintenance for Hair Extensions

At Salon Cartier, we’re sure to stay up to date on the latest styles and especially any tips to help you feel great about your hair. In this post, we want to share some tips for proper extension maintenance and care. Check out these tips: Be sure to use professional sulfate free shampoo and conditioner […]

Why Our Hair Extensions Are Amazing!

Salon Cartier, located in Walnut Creek, has the best hair extensions around. They’re a great addition to current your hair style. Well here are 5 quick reasons to consider seeing us for your new hair extensions: Safest for your natural hair – keeps the integrity allowing for new growth Our method is fast for all you […]

Five Reasons to Consider Flash Foils

Flash foils are a few highlights or lowlights strategically placed in your hair depending on what look we are going for. It’s usually just a simple change. Here are 5 reasons to do flash foils… 1. To break up a solid base color 2. To make your eyes stand out 3. To add the look of […]

Changing Make-Up with Hair Color

Do you like to change your hair color with the changing seasons? If you do, make sure your switch up your make-up routine or your new look could fall flat. Here are some tips to always keeping your hair color and make-up in harmony. Dark Brown and Black- If you’ve gone darker with your hair, your […]

Walnut Creek Hair Salon Case Study: New Hair Style!

Hair Salon Case Study: Tamra My client, Tamra, came to me for the first time with self-cut hair and mousy brown hair color. She gave me free rein on what I wanted to do! After analyzing Tamra’s hair, I thought the best thing to do was to give her a rich medium gold base color, […]

How To Detangle Your Hair

Here are a few steps in the proper way to detangle your hair and why. 1. Never use a brush on wet hair. Your hair is like a rubber band especially when wet and the bristles of a brush yanking through will break your hair. When you hear and feel a snap or a pull, […]

How To Re-Style Curly Hair

Curly hair tends to loosen a little bit the day after you wash and style it. So here are a few tips on how to re-style curly hair on the second or third day without having to wash your hair again! 1. Start on one side of your hair and move or clip the rest […]