Salon Cartier Walnut Creek

How NOT to Use Curling Irons

As a Premier Hair Salon in Walnut Creek, we know how to style your hair and how not to use curling irons.

We encourage anyone interested in learning about how to get that “straight from the salon” look at home. This is why we offer professional hair styling tips on our website and YouTube channel.

If you’re curious to see how NOT to do it, you may have already seen the video of the poor young girl who burned her hair off with curling irons. (see below)

She made some key mistakes.

First, it was on too high of a heat for fine hair!

If you have fine hair, set your curling wand to 250! 400 and above is too high for fine hair and it will burn your hair like this video.

Also when using a professional wand you only leave the wand in your hair for 5 seconds.

Professional ceramic heats up faster and the temp is even on the barrel. Metal irons don’t heat up evenly that’s why they invented ceramic irons. These are not your mom’s irons!  😉

Check out the video below.

If you’re interested in doing it the RIGHT way, be sure to come to see us at Salon Cartier in Walnut Creek.

Call us today at 1-877-908-5470
