Short Hair: To Cut or Not to Cut?

Tired of that pony tail? Feeling like you need a change, but are scared to go super short? Short hair is refreshing! It conveys confidence!

It emphasizes your features and can complement your beauty more than you may think!

But short haircut styles are not meant for everyone. Read on as you consider a new look!

Don’t Rush
My advice is not to rush into this. If you have recently experienced a break-up, had a fight, failed a test, or are suffering from any other emotional problem I urge you to stop and think it over first.

Things to Consider

Comfort Level – Do you “hide” behind your hair? Start with pulling it all the way back to see if you’re okay with having your hair away from your face.

Versatility – Will short hair will be versatile enough for you? Long hair has the option of being worn up, braided, curled, and styled in different ways.

Short hair limits these and may be a difficult transition.

Face Shape/ Features/ Body Type – Will short hair suit your face shape? Wider faces often benefit from longer hairstyles. Long hair adds the visual appearance of length to the face.

Shorter hair on narrow face shapes can be very flattering. Square and round faces should stick to chin length hair or longer.

The best faces for short hair are oval shaped and small. If you have a small head, a pixie cut can be amazing! Take into account your body build.

Women with larger frames wanting a cropped cut will only accentuate this rather than help to detract from it. Complementing the style to your frame is essential.

Hair Type – Some hair types work really well being cut short, but others can get crazy! Fine hair that is cut short can have the appearance of more volume.

Those with thick hair may find this challenging unless they go very short. Wavy hair will often find that their hair forms curls when cut short.

This works well if you like curly hairstyles, but if you usually straighten your wave, you will have to work harder at it. Naturally straight hair can leave a shorter cut sticking to your head.

Make sure your stylist gives you lots of layers that go with your hair’s natural waviness, or lack thereof, so you get the best cut possible!

NOTE: If your hair parts in the middle a shorter cut will mean you have to train your hair to part from the back and go forward, or you’ll have to train your hair to part from either side (in my experience a middle part with short hair never looks quite right).

If you have dark hair, going shorter can make your hair look dull. Consider caramel highlights or red undertones to make your short hair cut look less harsh.

Maintenance/ Lifestyle

Routine – You can’t get the looks you see in magazines just by cutting hair or shampooing. You will need some product and/or other styling tools.

You’ll have to curl, straighten, spray, and maintain your short ‘do more than when your hair was long and you could just pull it back into a ponytail and call it good.

Think about your maintenance level and whether or not you have the time.

Personal Style – Do you have a super girly or preppy wardrobe, yet long for an edgy hairdo? It may be time to change up your duds.

Make sure that the new you has plenty of outfits to match your new look! If you feel more yourself in yoga pants and baggy sweatshirts, you might want to think twice.

When will my hair grow back?
Hair typically grows around 6 inches per year. This means that if you had 6 inches cut off, it would take a whole year to grow it back to the way it was if you didn’t like the style.

If you made an even more drastic change and cut off 12 inches, it would take two years to get back to the same place.

Other Tips
Take sample images haircut you want! You and your stylist can chat about if it is right for you and modify it if necessary. Communication is the key!

All hairstylists want their clients happy. If you are hesitant, ask them to go in stages (start with cutting it shoulder length, then to chin, and so on).

All in all getting a haircut can be an exhilarating feeling. Some people feel like they’ve reinvented themselves in a day. They exude confidence and new-found sass.

Give it a try if you’re ready, and you’ll likely love the change!

This is was a guest post by Shannon, Advanced Designer at Salon Cartier, Walnut Creek

For more information or to book your appointment today, call us at 925-939-7425 or Contact Us Here
